Research Interests
- Broad: syntax and its interfaces, syntax-prosody, morphology, fieldwork, endangered languages
- Narrow: locality domains in syntax-PF, prosodic resolution of synactic ambiguities, multi-verb constructions (converbs, SVCs), nonsententials (fragment answers)
- Languages: Altaic (Korean, Kazakh, Manchu, Mongolian)
About Me
Hello! I am a second-year PhD student in the Department of Linguistics at Harvard University. I am currently the Lab Manager of the WOLF Lab at Harvard. My research is primarily in syntax and its interfaces, and I am particularly interested in the various morphosyntactic phenomena occurring in the verbal domain and their interactions with other components of the grammar — such as prosody. I received my BA in Language Science from the University of California, Irvine (UCI) in 2022.
As a firm believer in the importance of linguistic diversity in carrying out language-related research, I pursue my research interests through conducting linguistic elicitations and fieldwork with speakers of under-described and endangered languages (see Projects). With the hopes of giving back to the linguistic communities I work with, I also collaborate with speakers of endangered languages in documenting their languages to encourage preservation, and producing pedagogical resources to encourage further transmission.
When I am not doing linguistics, I enjoy going on long-distance walks, checking out local bubble tea shops (or making my own), and watching Korean dramas. I also enjoy traveling and have been to Taiwan on numerous occasions, where I often volunteer to teach English.
Me, middle, visiting an Atayal restaurant in Wulai District, Taipei, Taiwan (March 2019)